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JavaScript library to help modern web applications with accessibility concerns by making accessibility simpler


Determines if an element is rendered.

# Description

An element is considered visible if it satisfies all of the following rules:

An element can be visible, but not visible within the viewport.

# Usage

var element = document.getElementById('victim');
var isVisible =;

# Arguments

Name Type Default Description
element HTMLElement required The Element to test.

The underlying rules can also be accessed in the options argument style by calling

Name Type Default Description
context <selector> required The element to examine. The first element of a collection is used.
except <focus identification exception> {} The Element to test.

# Returns

Boolean, true if the element is visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS).

# Throws

TypeError if element argument is not of type HTMLElement.

# Changes

# Notes

<area> elements are not rendered by themselves, so they are always considered visible.

# Contributing